+852 2870 1880

About Dr. David Ho
Dr. David Ho is a Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology (Ear, nose and throat), Head and Neck Surgery. He is a registered specialist in both Australia and Hong Kong.
He did his undergraduate medical degree (MBBS) in Melbourne, Australia in 1997. He then subsequently had 3 years of General Surgery training (mostly in Surgical Oncology) before he started training in Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. He finished his training in January in 2009. He was then appointed as a Specialist ENT Consultant in Alfred Hospital, Austin Hospital, The Northern Hospital and The Royal Melbourne Hospital in Melbourne. He was also in part time private practise in Essendon, Melbourne.
Dr David Ho then did some further advance fellowship training in particularly Head & Neck Oncology (at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, and at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, New York, USA), Laryngology and Voice (with Prof Peak Woo in New York and at Mt Sinai Hospital, New York, USA), and Rhinology and Sleep Surgery (at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong and at St Joseph's Hospital, Ontario, Canada). He has also obtained Certification as a Console Surgeon for the da Vinci Robotic Surgery System.
Due to his international training, Dr David Ho believes in evidence-based medicine. He understands that it is important to be up to date with the latest research and current treatment modalities, he tries to attend as many local and international ENT and Head and Neck Surgery conferences/courses as possible.
Conferences and Courses
April 2011 Melbourne, Australia Laser and Laryngeal Conservation Surgery Workshop
April 2003, 2005-2008, 2011 Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (ASOHNS) Annual Scientific Meeting
April 2011 Melbourne, Australia Diagnostic & Operative Laryngology, Dysphagia Meeting
January 2011 Macau Asian Facial Plastic Surgery Society Spring Course
January 2011 HKU, Hong Kong ENT Commissioned Training: Functional Rhinoplasty for ENT Surgeons
September 2010 Boston, USA Annual Meeting of American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Foundation
June 2010 Seoul, Korea 4th World Congress on International Federation of Head and Neck Oncological Societies
June 2010 Hong Kong Frontiers in Laser Surgery and Safety Course
June 2010 Hong Kong Seminar on Cosmetic Surgery Course
June 2010 Hong Kong Head and Neck Course, Queen Mary Hospital
April 2010 Toronto, Canada Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Course, Mount Sinai Hospital
April 2010 McMaster University, Canada, Minimally Invasive Skull-Base Surgery Course
September 2008 Melbourne, Australia Australian & New Zealand Head & Neck Society (ANZHNS) Meeting
May 2003-2004, 2008 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Annual Scientific Meeting
November 2007 Noosa, Australia 2nd Multidisciplinary Update on Thyroid Cancer for Surgeons
Medical Associations and Societies
Professional Member of American Tinnitus Association
Member of Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery (ASOHNS)
Member of Australian Doctors & Dentists Association of Hong Kong
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS)
Member of Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA)
Member of Medical Protection Society (MPS) Hong Kong
Member of Australian Head and Neck Society (ANZHNS)